Bespoke jewellery by Meadowlark

Ever wanted to have a piece of jewellery made just for you? I thought that was the kind of thing only the Queen could afford, turns out I was wrong. Meadowlark is a New Zealand jewellery brand that hand makes their jewellery, and you can order pieces to be made on their website. You select your size, preferred metal, and stone if applicable. I absolutely love the rings, can’t wait to start my own little bespoke jewellery collection. Take a look here.

Meadowlark jewellery, gold ring, gold ring with stone,

Reese’s peanut butter 2 pound cups

I was recently in New York on holiday, where I somehow managed to spend a large amount of my time eating. One of the first places I visited was the Hershey’s shop in time square. it is huge, and you get free chocolate at the door, so I was immediately impressed. My favourite purchase was these 2 pound cups of Reece’s peanut butter cups, I had no idea they even came in that size. They are wildly gluttonous and I could feel my double chin coming on as I was eating one, but it was worth it- absolutely delicious. Next time you are in America try and track one down, they are well worth it!

 Recesses half pound cups

Crispy Easter Eggs

Sick of plain old chocolate Easter Eggs this Easter? Well if you like your food to have crunch then you will love these Crispy Easter Eggs. They are pretty easy to make, taste delicious, and you can make them any colour you want so they look great on the table. The recipe is here.

Crispy Easter eggs, food, Easter eggs,

What is better than a croissant and a donut? The Cronut is!

I had my first Cronut this week, as I live in Sydney I couldn’t get a real Cronut so had to settle for a Zonut from Adriana Zumbo. This is similar to a Cronut, but also had a layer of creamy praline in the middle. It was worth every single calorie, so make it your mission to hunt a Cronut down this week, and spoil yourself!


Best hot cross bun recipe!

Easter is around the corner, which means it’s times to eat delicious hot cross buns with lashings of butter. If you want to try and make your own this year, follow this recipe from Donna Hay, a legendary Australian chef.


Cake pops!

A girlfriend at work had her birthday last week, and instead of flowers her girl mates bought her a box of cake pops. What are cake pops you are wondering? They are delicious balls of rich cake coated in thick chocolate. They are small and rich, but not too much sweetness. They are absolutely delicious, if you want to try making them use this recipe, otherwise send your friends some cake pops next time you need to send a gift!

Cake pops, cake,

Easter Bunny cupcakes

Easter is a yummy time of year, hot cross buns, mountains of chocolate, and cupcakes! Try these Easter bunny cupcakes, use coconut, marshmallow and chocolate to decorate. Click on the picture for the recipe.


Karen Walker jewellery

Karen Walker makes my favourite jewellery, she has a huge range of rings, necklaces and earrings. I wear the necklaces a lot, they are great because they sit nicely and are quite different. This bow necklace is my fav, click here to check out her complete range.

Karen walker, Karen walker jewellery

Love cupcakes? Probably not as much as this 3 year old…

Watch this adorable 3-year-old argue with his mom over why he can’t have cupcakes for dinner. It doesn’t tell you if he was successful or not, but I wouldn’t mind taking him along to some meetings at work to negotiate on my behalf!

Watch the hilarious video here.

Click on the picture for this Neapolitan cupcake recipe.

Neapolitan cupcake, Betty Crocker cupcake, 3 year old wants cupcake, cupcake, yummy cupcakes,

People who are worse at cooking than you

Do you ever feel a bit average about your kitchen skills? I tried to do macaroons on the weekend, and they were so overlooked they were like eating rocks. I found this hilarious list of 37 people who are worse at cooking than you, to make myself feel better, so take a look and marvel at how awesome you are in the kitchen.

